On this very first episode of Coshocton Conversations, Kirby Hasseman sets the foundation for the series by talking about 9 positive things that have happened in Coshocton County during 2021.

This episode of Coshocton Conversations is brought to you by Hasseman Marketing.  To learn more about Hasseman Marketing, click here!

Most episodes of Coshocton Conversations will truly be a conversation.  We plan to invite local leaders, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and more to the program.  But today, Kirby sets the stage by pointing out 9 positive things that have been going on in 2021.

  1. The Real Estate Market
  2. Community Collaboration
  3. Big Local Investment in Main Street
  4. County Investment in Broadband and Cell coverage
  5. Great news in healthcare in Coshocton County
  6. MFM building expansion
  7. So many new businesses!
  8. Millions of grant dollars coming into the community
  9. The Coshocton Collaborative project

Listen in and see what Kirby has to say about each of these positives in the community.  As always, if you want to take the time to visit the community, check out some places to stay here!  We will be posting this podcast each week, but make sure you never miss an episode by subscribing on Apple Podcasts, Google, or Spotify.  Just search “Coshocton Conversations” and listen in!

The host of Coshocton Conversations is Kirby Hasseman, the CEO of Hasseman Marketing, a full-service marketing agency headquartered in Coshocton County.